Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I've Been Away For Waaaaay Too Long

Well, after my computer crashed, all was going well for sometime until I got a virus. Then I had to wait a couple of weeks before I stole my sister's laptop, now that I have this computer, I will add three or four scenes to the script so that way the film can progress, this is taking longer than I thought it would and the script seems to be taking forever, probably because it's going to be a two hour movie! :D I recently started my own spinoff to Team X, Teen X, but I won't go any further with that since it has nothing to do with THE SHINING. The first episode won't be released for awhile so that means more work for THE SHINING. I never announced this but my trailer for THE SHINING was released about 3 months ago. You can check it out here.

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